
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

GY Camp 2006 is just around the corner and we have to get urgent with out job (John 9:4) ! We are going to pray and pray and pray non-stop for GY Camp, pray that this year's camp is going to be a really different one! (ok maybe you have heard we people say "it's going to be diffrent" many times and you're just bored with it, but believe me, God is going to do something!) We will have more prayer meetings coming up these few weeks till camp, will let you people know when and where. But please do your part and pray at home, yesterday four dudes were gathered in a house and had a prayer meeting from 9.30pm to 11.35pm and I tell you, these four dudes lost their voice, they prayed till they sweat even though they were in an air-conditioned room! These four dudes really had a great passion for God and for souls and they were just your normal youths. If we keep on praying we will be able to make God move! Prayer moves the hand of God that moves the world ! ! ! You people want something great to happen in GY Camp?! Then start getting on your knees and start praying ! ! !

Prayer meetings on Tuesdays at Sis Kim's house 9.30pm.
Other prayer meetings will be held but have yet to confirm the time, date and place. Come on let's pray and see God move!

By Zlwin Chew da Jesus Freak and Pink Freak


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